Wow, it’s been a while. 5 months. I’ve been moving house and trying to get my life in order (again!), and it’s going okay so far. It’s just very very slow.

Anyway, in case you were wondering, this comic is referring to [SPOILER LINK]. 😀 I guess because I’ve never been monogamous I’ve just normalised so much stuff, like my girlfriend not wanting to tell her family that she had an enbyfriend as well as a husband (which I can’t blame her for), and my intrusive manager accusing me of having a less intimate sex life with my boyfriend as a result of us having sex with other people, etc. And I know that to a lot of people non-monogamy looks like a choice and we don’t belong at Pride, but gosh I can tell you honestly that this is not a choice for me – any monogamy that I have ever tried to fit into has for me been deeply painful.

Now that I’ve watched that TV show yesterday I can see the constant low-level pain I’ve been in for over half my life, not seeing non-monogamous people on TV or in movies or in the lives of the strangers I meet. Perhaps I never saw it before because my gender dysphoria and my sexuality strangeness has always superseded it? I think about whether I could sit in a bar with two partners and hold their hands and be PDA with both of them, and I wonder what would happen. It’s something I would never do, but I feel sure that at the very least it would draw unwanted attention and make me feel self-conscious – pretty much the same as if I held hands with someone who appeared to be the same gender as me in public. A lifetime of my expressions of love being met with negativity means I am even reluctant to casually express my feelings with partners one-on-one, in private.

I try to remember that the first Pride was a riot, so I think about how the police and the legal system would feel about my non-monogamy, and I think about marriage equality, and I know that I am barred from marriage just as much with my non-monogamy as with my gender. I know that there are people out there who have problems with welfare and child-support payments and custody battles and hospital visiting rights because the system cannot accommodate us.

So to me it seems that if we are not allowed to be there when we’re otherwise cisgender and heterosexual then the criteria for Pride are narrower than I had hoped.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my very generous Patreons, including Martina, Lorelei, and David. Every pledge makes a difference for me. <3 (If you wanna join them and get a little bit of exclusive content, you can do so for only $1 per comic, and have a monthly cap if you like too.)